Monday, September 28, 2009

A New Home

It's hard to believe that 9 months ago I moved to Austin! I'm telling you it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my young life. As excited as I was, I was very anxious about the move. Leaving the only place I have EVER known, leaving my family and friends, my church home, and all the comforts of home that I took for granted for so many years!

It hit me... I was about to start a new adventure of my own and on my own with Joseph! I was going to a town where 1 person knew me. I could be myself with the one I love. God has blessed me and showed me over these last few months who I really am as a person. He has recently blessed me with a wonderful job opportunity that I plan to make a career out of. I have learned that things are not always ideal, but they will ALWAYS work out. That my plan and God's plan don't always line up... but his is always better!

Tim, Sarah and Sophia just moved back to the states and moved to San Antonio! It's so nice to have family so close! They are definatley making this an easier transition!

I think Joseph and I have learned so much in this year. We have really had to rely on each other. He has been so supportive and so patient. He lets me cry and show emotion when I need to with a listening ear and is ALWAYS willing to help.

I miss my family and the fact that I am now 8 hours away instead of 10 minutes! I know this move has been hard for all of us but I see God working through us to become even closer! I love them and can't wait to be home for the first time in 6 months next week!!!

I am excited to see what God has in store for us as the year continues! May He continue to bless us and watch over us!*

Few pics from Our Wedding

The Wedding Party
The Kastner Family
The Finkbeiner Family
The best day of my life...
July 25, 2009... Mr and Mrs Joseph Kastner!!!

From our Old Blog

(blogged Jan. 19, 2009)

Many people have asked us how we met and we always seem to look at each other and smile, feeling as though we've known each other our whole life. For as much as fate plays a part in ones life, it was fate that brought us together that special day!

We shared with each other our lives- past and present and our goals for our future. We found that we had many similiarties and views on life and knew immediately we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together! You always see that "fairy tale" in movies but never think it could happen to you. It's REAL! The feeling is indescribable!

Believe it or not, Valentines weekend my parents moved me to Austin, TX!

Joseph and I got engaged March 15th and got married July 25th!

Well here we are!!

Well this is going to be my 2nd attempt at this whole blogging thing. Everyone is continually asking on a way to keep updated with Joseph and I and I figure this is the easiest way although I didn't keep up with it the first time. I will try to do better as the holidays approach and Joseph will be working longer hours.